
Do You Really Believe in Jesus?

Have you ever really believed in Jesus Christ? I was talking to my five-year old son. He replied quickly, "Of course, dad." "But have you ever really been saved? How do you really know you are saved?" He replied, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,." He ripped off the words as fast as his little mouth could phrase them. It was a verse he had memorized, and he had heard it explained so many times. Perhaps you would have answered just as he did. "Of course I am saved....

Revival of Rome

[John F. Walvoord, President, Dallas Theological Seminary, Editor, Bibliotheca Sacra.] The question of whether the ancient Roman Empire will be revived in the prophetic future at the end of the age is one of the intriguing interpretative problems of the Scriptures. Liberal theologians have been quite sure that such an expectation is a vain hope, and that prophecy cannot be taken that literally.1 Evangelicals have not all been agreed on the answer to the question either, but many, particul...

Will Israel Build a Temple in Jerusalem?

Recent Events Revive Temple Question One of the important results of the six-day war of June, 1967, when Israel conquered Jerusalem, was the revival of the question whether Israel would rebuild a temple on the traditional temple site in Jerusalem. Orthodox Jews for many years have been praying daily for the rebuilding of the temple. In this expectation, they have had the support of premillenarians who interpret Scriptural prophecies as meaning what they say when they refer to a future t...