
What's New in Prophecy?

What really is new in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy today? Forty years ago I wrote: "The world today faces an international crisis unparalleled in all the history of man. A tremendous revolution is under way in the international scene, in science, in economics, in morals, in theology, and in the religious structure of the church. The world is aflame with the raw passions of men ambitious for power and desperate to be freed from poverty and frustration. An ominous cloud hangs over ...

Revival of Rome

[John F. Walvoord, President, Dallas Theological Seminary, Editor, Bibliotheca Sacra.] The question of whether the ancient Roman Empire will be revived in the prophetic future at the end of the age is one of the intriguing interpretative problems of the Scriptures. Liberal theologians have been quite sure that such an expectation is a vain hope, and that prophecy cannot be taken that literally.1 Evangelicals have not all been agreed on the answer to the question either, but many, particul...